A unique coaching experience blending physical movement with mental clarity.
Join Yvette for an empowering session that encourages action-driven conversations while walking through the scenic St George area.
Promoting both physical well-being and mental resilience, this session is a chance to explore your goals in a more relaxed and natural setting.
Physical movement during coaching stimulates creative thinking, reduces stress, and opens new perspectives.
This session is perfect if you're feeling stuck or looking to align your thoughts with real-world actions.
Clarity in Motion
encourages move forward physically and mentally, leaving you motivated and ready to take action.
At the completion of the walk you will have real-time strategies and techniques to tackle specific challenges and two key takeaways or actionable steps to implement immediately.
Ideal for:
Individuals who thrive on action but need clarity and direction.
Those looking for a fresh approach to coaching, blending the benefits of movement and mindset
Anyone seeking a boost of confidence, clarity, and momentum in a single, power-packed session
Clarity in Motion rate includes:
1 x 60-minute 1:1 coaching session that is tailored for you and your outcome.
Two key takeaways or actionable steps to implement immediately.
Action plan emailed at the end of each session.
2024 Spring / Summer Special ONLY
Price: $150 inc GST
