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Yvette Kinkade
Apr 24, 20212 min read
How to own the moment.
Here are some easy tips to ground yourself and own the moment and be absolutely present and grounded. 1. Scan you Imagine you have a red...
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Yvette Kinkade
Mar 4, 20211 min read
You can't make everyone happy, you are not pizza!
You can’t make everyone happy, why keep trying? People-pleasing can have you in situations where you just don't want to be. So how do...
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Yvette Kinkade
Feb 2, 20212 min read
BElieve in YOUrself.
What does believe in yourself really mean to you, and how do we start the process to practice it?
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Yvette Kinkade
Dec 14, 20201 min read
The ultimate Confidence Unleashed roadmap.
Unleash your confidence even after your biggest setback yet. My top tips and a couple of my proven strategies to help you to work toward...
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Yvette Kinkade
Oct 13, 20201 min read
8 tips to help you make the leap to your growth zone
The Growth Zone is the sky where there is no limit, it's where we find our purpose, live our dreams, set goals and conquer objectives.
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Yvette Kinkade
Oct 9, 20201 min read
Procrasta Queen, No thank you!
There are now proven reasons for procrastination that have nothing to do with laziness. Find out how to work toward less procrastination.
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